Technical Support
At some point your e-mail message won�t send, your World Wide Web browser will crash, or your modem won�t dial. That�s when you�ll need to call for help, and if you choose the right ISP, they�ll be waiting by the phone. Pan, at Clarity Connect in Ithaca, N.Y., said that the number one feature users ask for is technical support. �That�s by far the most critical issue because there are a lot of people who are novices to the technology,� Pan said.
In fact, some local ISPs, like Clarity Connect and Michiana FreeNet in South Bend, Indiana, will go to a users home if they have trouble with a capital T. If your ISP can�t make the trip to your home, make sure that you have a phone number and e-mail address where you can reach technical support services. Some national ISPs, such as America Online, offer extensive online technical support for their subscribers.